Meeting Time: February 20, 2024 at 6:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

3.A. APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL TO DEMOLISH TWO DWELLING UNITS ON THREE ABUTTING PARCELS AND CONSTRUCT A NEW SEVEN-STORY, 89-UNIT, 100% AFFORDABLE MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AND A THREE-LEVEL SUBTERRANEAN PARKING GARAGE AT 910-916 WETHERLY DRIVE INCLUDING A FINDING THAT THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA UNDER CLASS 32 CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FOR IN-FILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (14 CCR § 15332) AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING EXEMPTION (14 CCR § 15194) [N. MARICICH, J. ALKIRE, A. CASTILLO, R. RATH]: SUBJECT: This item is an appeal of the Planning Commission's adoption of Resolution No. PC 23-1534, which found the project to be exempt from CEQA under Section 15532 (In-fill Development Projects) and Section 15194 (Affordable Housing) and approved the demolition of all structures on three contiguous parcels, a lot merge of the three parcels, and the construction of an approximately 78,425 square-foot, seven-story, 89-unit, 100% affordable multi-family residential building over three levels of subterranean parking garage. The Planning Commission's approval also included three modifications for the 10% reduction of both side yard setbacks and the rear yard setback. The approved project utilizes a density bonus and concessions, pursuant to West Hollywood Municipal Code § 19.22.050 and the State Density Bonus Law, including Government Code section 65915.

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    Weil Ella 8 months ago

    I support the construction at 910 Wetherly. We as a community have a dire house issue that needs to be solved and the only way to do so is to create more housing. It is our responsibility as a community.

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    Kyle Kallman 8 months ago

    I support the construction of the 910 Wetherly Project. I am lucky to be a home owner in our quiet area within the busy city. I understand the urge to 'maintain' the character of norma triangle. But California is currently in the midst of a housing crisis. We must do our part and accept new developments. We need to build more, everywhere. I am thrilled that the developers of 910 Wetherly have made it so far and hope they won't be stopped by some local Nimbys. Kyle Kallman, Dicks St

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    Jesi Harris 8 months ago

    I’ve been a renter in the City and an active mobility and housing justice advocate for a decade.
    I urge your support for 910 Wetherly Drive. It will provide desperately needed housing to vulnerable community members, reflecting the founding principles that brought forth Cityhood 40 years ago.
    I respectfully urge you to deny the appeals and uphold the Planning Commission’s approval of the affordable housing project. It will make a life-changing difference to those who eventually call it home.