Meeting Time: April 15, 2024 at 6:00pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4.A. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 11.28.090 OF THE WEST HOLLYWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE TO CLARIFY ELIGIBLE AREAS TO BE PERMITTED TO CONVERT TEMPORARY OUTZONES TO PERMITTED PERMANENT OUTDOOR DINING [D. WILSON, J. ROCCO, S. CAMPBELL, J. GILMOUR]: SUBJECT: The City Council will consider updating the outdoor dining section of the West Hollywood Municipal Code to clarify eligible outdoor dining areas allowed to convert temporary OUTZones to permitted permanent outdoor dining in narrow sidewalk areas that are less than 12 feet and within on-street parking spaces that are obstructed by public infrastructure. This amendment to the Municipal Code is exempt from CEQA under State CEQA Guidelines, section 15378 and 15061(b)(3).

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    Mike Carter 5 months ago

    After all the humble bee has done for us, is this as far as we can go with a plan to thank a pollinator? "Sustainable Removal"? The removal of an endangered keystone species in our City should weigh heavily upon us. What is the quid pro quo we offer for the kindness these pollinators provide? Honeybee population is in decline. Habitat destruction is a major factor. How can we extend our support beyond what is characterized as a “sustainable removal”?