Meeting Time: June 24, 2024 at 6:00pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

1. PUBLIC COMMENT: The City Council values your comments; however, pursuant to the Brown Act, the Council cannot take action on items not listed on the posted agenda. The public comment period is limited to 20 minutes, with 2 minutes allotted for each speaker. This public comment period is to address the City Council on Consent Calendar items, other agenda items (if the member of the public cannot be present at the time the item is considered) or items of general interest within the jurisdiction of the City Council. Another period is also reserved for general comment later in the meeting for those that could not be heard at this time. Public Hearing testimony will only be taken at the time of the hearing.

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    Adam Darvish 3 months ago

    Adam Darvish- Requesting council’s attention to residential streets with hotels with no requirement for security patrolling a residential street. L’Emitage hotel is an example with posted incidents in the past where pedestrians were held at gun point on Larrabee after hours next to my bedroom. The Council should not ignore security risks to residents. Our city continues to invite criminal activities by promoting cannabis sales that invite other related drug use and violence similar to Amsterdam.