Meeting Time: August 15, 2024 at 6:30pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

A. ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT HOTEL ROOFTOP PROJECTONS ABOVE ALLOWED HEIGHT: SUBJECT: The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing regarding a proposed zone text amendment to increase the permitted projections above the allowed height for hotel rooftop structures with the approval of a conditional use permit, citywide, West Hollywood, California.

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    Adam Darvish 6 months ago

    Adam Darvish- My life was almost ended by a driver that left the rooftop bar at London hotel at 2 am while under the influence of alcohol/drugs and drove downhill on Larrabee at a speed over 100 mph as he plowed through my resident while I was in bed resting. There has been several criminal activities on Larrabee in front of L' Ermitage hotel that is across the street from me. Do Residents and their safety matter?. Please oppose this item. Hear me out as a victom that has been marked for life.