Meeting Time: January 21, 2025 at 5:00pm PST


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Agenda Item

E.7. PROGRESS REPORT ON THE "FIVE-YEAR PLAN TO ADDRESS HOMELESSNESS IN OUR COMMUNITY" AND REQUEST FOR INPUT ON A PLANNED ASSESSMENT OF THE APPROACH TO ADDRESSING HOMELESSNESS [C. SCHROEDER, C. SAFRIET, F. GOMEZ, B. LUBIN]: SUBJECT: The City Council will receive an update on the "City of West Hollywood Five-Year Plan to Address Homelessness in Our Community" (2018). Building on the progress of the plan and in response to evolving challenges and opportunities in housing and homelessness, the City proposes to evaluate its current approach and explore potential updates for the future. To guide a scope of work for this assessment, the City seeks input from the City Council, including in areas such as outcomes to achieve in 2025 and beyond, stakeholder groups to consult during the assessment, and focus areas for policy and other research.

This meeting is open for public comment. By registering to speak, you agree to be present during the meeting time. You will be called to speak by your name.

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