Meeting Time: February 03, 2025 at 6:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

C.1. REQUEST TO PERMIT A NEW TWO-FACED STATIC BILLBOARD AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS IN FRONT OF THE BUILDING ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 9200 SUNSET BOULEVARD [N. MARICICH, J. ALKIRE, J. DAVIS, S. CAMPBELL, B. LEAGUE, R. ABRAMSON]: SUBJECT: The proposal is to construct a new two-faced, static billboard in the area in front of 9200 Sunset Boulevard. The proposal also includes site improvements at the base of the billboard structure with pedestrian plazas including seating and interactive plaques describing the history of the billboards along the Sunset Strip. The proposal is called "The Legacy Loop." The City Council will hold a public hearing regarding the approval of Master Project (MP22-0019), including Development Agreement (DA22-0005), Zoning Map Amendment (ZMA22-0005), and Sign Permit (SP22-0020) for the construction and installation of the new billboard and site improvements located at 9200 Sunset Boulevard. This project is subject to CEQA and a Negative Declaration with a subsequent addendum that was prepared, and which analyzed the project.